The workshop for OCCTIVE adopters will be at Union College, November 18-19.

If you are interested in participating, complete this form. NOTE: For planning purposes, we request that you complete the participation form by September 16, 2024).

This workshop will be a 1.5 day opportunity for non-CS faculty to work with the OCCTIVE grant team on ways to incorporate the video toolkit into their courses. The NSF funding provides support for adopting faculty in the form of:

  • Reasonable travel expenses to attend the workshop
  • 2 nights of hotel accommodation during the workshop (3 nights for people whose flight options are limited) and all workshop meals
  • Stipends for integrating OCCTIVE into a course, sharing relevant course material, and helping the grant team collect data to assess the video library

At our own schools, interested faculty have come from a wide range of fields: Economics, Geology, Biology/Ecology, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Statistics, Sociology, Psychology, Environmental Science. Of course, we welcome participants from the full range of academic disciplines!! If you are interested in participating, there’s more info here, or you can contact the PI team at, or complete this form. NOTE: For planning purposes, we request that you complete the participation form by September 16, 2024).
